You have heard me talk about this time and time again, but there is no singular pathway in business! Even though we may all be running physical product-based businesses, we each embark on a different journey working towards different goals and making different choices along the way.
One of my favorite parts about the work I do is seeing the transformation as folks continue their entrepreneurial journey, and in my position, I am lucky enough to have a lot of candid and confidential conversations about what that evolution includes, both the good and the bad. I wanted to bring you into one of those important conversations with both a friend and client of mine, Sam Kramer of Near Modern Disaster.
You may remember Sam from episode 2 of Proof to Product, which we recorded way back in 2016. So much has changed since then in Sam's life and in our business. Since that podcast aired, Sam moved to Florida, outgrew two studio spaces, and increased her team, including bringing her husband on full-time as the studio manager. Not only has her product line grown, but her confidence in her products has as well. Today is part one of a two part series. On today's episode, Sam is sharing some updated stats about how many stores she's carried in the number of skews she sells and how her wholesale program has evolved. She also shares four things that have made the biggest impact on her business growth.
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