Since 2011, we’ve coached thousands of product based businesses, just like yours!
Our alumni have products on the shelves of Target, Anthropologie, Container Store, Starbucks and independent retail shops around the world. They are licensing their art, selling retail online, opening brick & mortar shops and building strong wholesale programs.
No matter where you are in your business journey, we are here to help you take action.
a word from our founder, Katie Hunt

hi friends!
I’m Katie Hunt, the founder of Proof to Product®, a business strategist, and mentor to creative entrepreneurs. I’m a firm believer in professional development, surrounding yourself with community and pushing ‘go’ even when you might not feel 100% ready.
Through our courses, conferences and podcast, I frequently speak about strategies for creating a product line, selling wholesale, business planning and the importance of community for entrepreneurs.

“I would have paid $5,000 to be a part of this community. I have been taking coursework from Katie Hunt for many years now, and I am a lifer. I will sign up for any program that she offers, they are so valuable.”