351 | Getting into Your Dream Store After Being Told No with Nellys Siria, Cocoa Loves Grey
It is so deflating when we put our work out into the world and either don't hear back or we're told that now isn't the right time. Our students feel this deeply when they are pitching wholesale accounts, but today's guest is reminding us that a no today doesn't always mean that it's a no forever.
Nellys Siria is the owner of Cocoa Loves Grey, a colorful accessories brand that sells very popular and beautiful laser-cut earrings. Nellys believes in the power of bright colors to draw people in and make them happy. She's always coming up with fun and unique items to keep her business fresh and interesting. She's a 1st generation Latina and the 1st business owner in her entire family. Nellys sells her earrings to both direct-to-consumer audiences and wholesale and her product line expanded when her husband bought a laser cutter for Christmas. We talk about how her dream store originally told her no, but eventually came back to purchase her gorgeous earrings.
Nellys shares how she was on the verge of burnout, but pushed pause to reset how she was running her business.
Today’s episode is brought to you by our free, on-demand wholesale audio series. In this audio series, I’ll walk you through the biggest mistakes and most common questions folks have when they are starting and scaling wholesale—so you don’t make the same mistakes myself and others did. You can binge this audio series in less than an hour and you can listen on the go in your favorite podcast player. No fluff here, just concrete action steps and answers to help you simplify and strengthen your wholesale sales.
Cocoa Loves Grey was created as a way to give myself a creative outlet. At first, I never imagined I would become a viable source of income. My goal from the start was to share my bright and unique designs with others as a way to spread joy and smiles, and I feel incredibly proud to say I believe I do accomplish that through my small business.
I create colorful accessories (primarily laser cut earrings) in my home studio near Seattle, WA. I believe in the power of bright colors to draw people in and to make them happy, and I’m always trying o come up with fun and unique items to keep my business feeling fresh and interesting. I’m first generation Latina and the first business owner in my entire family and I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. I can’t wait to continue growing and taking my business to the next level.
WEBSITE: https://cocoalovesgrey.com | INSTAGRAM: @cocoalovesgrey

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct