185 | 4 Questions to Jump Start Your Strategy Planning with Katie Hunt
Have you started your 2021 strategy planning yet? This was a question that I asked my Proof to Product LABS community and 55% of people who responded said yes while 45% answered no.
I know this year has been very different and the thought of planning for next week or even next month can lead to total overwhelm but business planning is essential for your business’ livelihood.
That’s why I walked you through 4 simple questions to ask yourself when strategizing for the new year! This is phase one of strategy planning and I shared phase two inside of the LABS community so if you want to hear that be sure to join our community and look out for the December group coaching replay. 🎉
What’s holding some people back from strategy planning for 2021
The first step I take when planning for my business & clients’ businesses.
3 simple questions to ask yourself when reflecting on the year
How to set 3-4 overarching priorities for your business
Share These Quotables on Pinterest
“Business owners are struggling with how to move forward.” - Katie Hunt
“I’m really proud of how we provided strong, relevant content to help our students thrive in the midst of a hard year.” - Katie Hunt
“Think about your sales channels, your marketing, your systems & processes, even time for you to be creative!” - Katie Hunt
“In all of our businesses, we have room to make improvements.” - Katie Hunt
“Don’t let the idea of strategy planning overwhelm you or cause you not to take action.” -Katie Hunt

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct