When we allocate our time, money, energy and effort in specific areas of our business, we are guaranteed to see growth. For 2022, Ashley Jankowski of the Typeset Co chose to invest in and focus their marketing efforts on SEO and the results have paid off. They’ve seen over 600% more visitors to their website and their email subscribers have grown.
In this episode we’re talking about how The Typeset Co markets their products including why she’s investing in video, stop-motion video, SEO and copywriting support. We talk at length about why Ashley prioritized SEO for the business in 2022, what the process has been like, changes she made on her blog and to her product listing, plus she shares current results and next steps in their plans.
If you haven’t listened to Part 1 of this 2-part series with Ashley, I encourage you to go back and listen to episode 273. In part 1 we talked about how she found her overseas manufacturing partners, what that process was like and lessons she’s learned along the way. We also talked about how she has strategically expanded into new product categories.
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