371 | Moving from 90% Wholesale to 90% Retail Revenue with Victoria Venturi, Paper Epiphanies [Part 1]
Today's guest is Victoria Venturi, the founder and CEO of Paper Epiphanies, the coolest card store in the world. In less than a decade, Victoria has grown Paper Epiphanies from an idea into a global brand.
Paper Epiphanies, also affectionately called PiPH, opened its flagship concept store in 2021, and they are expanding into the aviation space. They opened their 1st airport boutique in the Portland International Airport earlier this year.
Prior to launching PiPH, Victoria was a marketing and publicity executive for over 10 years where she wrote and launched successful campaigns for agencies and television networks, and big brands, including Disney, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, American Idol, Glee, Hilton Hotels, and more.
Victoria attended Paper Camp way back in 2014, and she was a guest on the Proof of Product podcast for episode 19 which aired in 2017. In 2017, we caught up with what she was doing in the early days of her business, but it's been a minute. She's had a lot going on, and we had a lot to catch up on, so much so that I am breaking this interview into 2 parts.
Today is part 1, and Victoria is sharing how she moved from being a business that was driven 90% by wholesale revenue to a business driven by 90% retail revenue, and now how she's navigating her way back to finding that balance. Next week on episode 372, Victoria is going to share details about opening up her store in the Portland International Airport.
Today's episode is brought to you by our Is Wholesale Right for You private podcast! This free 12-part audio series will help you decide whether wholesale is a good next step for your specific business. After listening to this audio series (in less than an hour), two things will be true. You'll know whether you want to pursue wholesale for your product business, and you'll have the confidence and action steps to get started with wholesale. Sign up for the private podcast today!
Victoria Venturi is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Paper Epiphanies, The Coolest Card Store in The World™. In less than a decade, Victoria has grown Paper Epiphanies from an idea to a global brand. Paper Epiphanies, affectionately called PiPH, opened its Flagship Concept Shop in 2021 and is currently expanding into the aviation space with its first of many airport boutiques opening in 2024 at Portland International Airport. Prior to launching PiPH, Victoria was a marketing and publicity executive for over ten years – writing and launching successful campaigns for agencies, television networks and big brands including Disney®, Nickelodeon®, Warner Bros.®, American Idol, GLEE, Hilton Hotels and more. Victoria dedicates time to advocacy and community services with focuses on equal access to arts and a woman’s right to comprehensive health care. Victoria lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband, their two children, and a corgi named Twinkie.
WEBSITE: http://piphpaper.com | INSTAGRAM: @paperepiphanies

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct