247 | How Often Should I Release New Products to the Wholesale Market with Katie Hunt

The frequency in which you should be releasing new products to the wholesale market used to be pretty straightforward, but with the introduction of Faire and other third party platforms, things have gotten a little muddy. In today’s episode, I’m clearing things up so that your new products are ready for when buyers are primed to purchase, but you’re also not burning yourself out!

How often should I release new products to the wholesale market?

Today’s question comes directly from LABS member, Tiffany, who says, “Faire wants me releasing new products monthly to keep buyers interested, but I am exhausted trying to keep up with that pace. Katie, how often should I release new products to the wholesale market?”

While third party platforms may recommend a monthly product release, I wholeheartedly believe that monthly releases to the wholesale market lead directly to burnout. That’s not how sustainable, profitable, wholesale businesses are built.

Releasing new products on a monthly basis will wear you out and drain your creativity. So consider releasing products two to three times per year. If you’re newer to the wholesale market, focus on two. If you’re an established wholesale brand, you can focus on 3-4 releases per year.

When is the best time to release new products to the wholesale market?

While we provide a detailed release schedule with how many skus to include each release inside of our Paper Camp program, for the sake of today’s episode, we’re focusing on two product releases in a calendar year. For these two releases, we’re ensuring your products are ready for when two major gift shows are happening. Winter and summer trade shows are prime times for retailers, whether or not they attend shows in person or virtually.

In January, retailers tend to have strong cash flows from their Q4 sales season, along with empty shelves to fill. Then from June to August, retailers are looking ahead to the Q4 holiday season.

Even if you’re not planning to attend these trade shows, I encourage you to get on this release cycle as early as possible so that you’ll be ready for the early round of wholesale buyers each season.

Building a Methodical, Systematic, & Cost-Efficient Business

Another benefit to releasing two to three times per year is that you can be more methodical, systematic, and cost-efficient from an operations and product development standpoint.

When you’re trying to release new products each month, you’d have to carve out creative time to design, plan out your manufacturing schedule, update your website and images, and strategize and implement your marketing plan—every single month. It’s too much.

Give yourself the space to create and market your new products in a way that serves you.

Today’s episode is brought to you by Proof to Product LABS, where we’re bringing together new and seasoned product based business owners to strengthen the way they run their businesses.

Within our LABS membership, we offer a monthly group coaching call where I offer strategic solutions for product based business owners. Additionally, you can personally ask questions within LABS that might make it onto the podcast, just like this one! Make sure you join our waitlist to be the first to know when the doors open!

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Connect with Katie Hunt

Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.

Website: prooftoproduct.com  |   Instagram: @prooftoproduct

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