206 | How Far You Have Come with Morgan Harper Nichols
How often do you take a step back to look at and soak in the goodness of how far you’ve come? That’s exactly what guest Morgan Harper Nichols encourages us all to do as she joined me to chat about the inspiration behind her new book, How Far You Have Come.
In this episode, we talk about how she was diagnosed with autism in her thirties after seeing a TikTok about it last year.
Morgan and I also dive into setting boundaries and upholding them, how she maintains being true to herself on Instagram and why she’s a big advocate for collaboration.
What inspired Morgan to write How Far You Have Come
How it felt to go back and relive experiences as she wrote about them
Her experience getting diagnosed with autism
How she sets and holds healthy professional boundaries
What project she’s most proud of
How she keeps her Instagram authentic to her
The heaviness of social media and its impact on people’s mental health
Her advice for creatives working to make their big goals a reality
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“How do you create for what's ahead when you don't know what's ahead?” - Morgan Harper Nichols
“For me it's healing just to write about it.” - Morgan Harper Nichols
“If I can help someone else feel less shame for their failure, then it's worth it to put it in the book.” - Morgan Harper Nichols
“As we start to get more seasoned in our business, the more experience we do need to just be smart about what we're saying yes to.” - Katie Hunt
“You don't know what people are going through.” - Morgan Harper Nichols
Acclaimed artist, poet, musician and Wall Street Journal and Publisher’s Weekly best-selling author Morgan Harper Nichols has created her life's work around the stories of others. Morgan's popular Instagram feed (@morganharpernichols) has garnered a loyal online community of over a million followers. She is the author of All Along You Were Blooming, a book of poems and art she created in response to the personal stories submitted by her friends and followers. Known for its lyrical tone and vibrant imagery, Morgan's work is an organic expression of the grace and hope we've been given in this world. As an artist, Morgan has collaborated with publications and brands including Coach, Adobe, Vogue Singapore, Aerie, and Esquire Singapore, among others. Morgan has also performed as a vocalist on several GRAMMY-nominated projects and written for various artists, including a Billboard #1 single performed by her sister, Jamie-Grace. Prior to the recent travel and safety restrictions due to COVID-19, Morgan was often on the road creating, teaching, and performing, in hopes of spreading her unique inspirational message and inviting others into her creative process. She is passionate about artmaking as a way to connect with others. Morgan currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona, with her family.
Website: morganharpernichols.com | Instagram: @morganharpernichols
TikTok: @morganharpernichols | Twitter: @morganhnichols

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct