180 | Exhibiting as an Emerging Artist with Jean Marie Sanchez, Little Feet's Opus
Hey friends! I’m really excited for you to listen in on today’s episode with Jean Marie Sanchez of Little Feet’s Opus. The story behind Jean’s products is truly remarkable - each of them stems from personal stories of the strong women in her life and spreads joy, empowerment and relatable life moments.
Jean made an intentional goal to create products that are both inclusive and diverse. In our conversation, she talked about the ah-ha moment she had where she realized there was space in the market for a line of products.
She shares her experiences in the Emerging Artists section of NSS for two consecutive shows including the pros and cons of exhibiting as an emerging artist versus having your own booth. We also talked about how Jean defines success through the impact she makes on others.
How Jean started her business
Jean’s first steps after attending the National Stationery Show
What led her to go the wholesale route rather than brick and mortar
How Paper Camp helped her learn the playbook of the industry
The initial quantifying goals she set for her business
The benefits and drawbacks of participating in the Emerging Artists’ section of NSS
What inspires Jean in her initiative of adding diversity and inclusiveness into her products
How she defines success in her business
What’s coming up next for Little Feet’s Opus
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“When you're creative, you're not working on one thing.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“I walked away with, ‘I need to be here. I need to be in this space. There's a hunger for what I'm producing, for what I'm doing.’” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“I think people need to ask themselves what they're willing to do, how much they're willing to put into it.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“I know from experience, you never know who you're talking to. You never know who's coming across you.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“So many times we are our worst critic.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“For anyone who is doubting themselves right now, continue, continue, continue, stay true to you, stay true to your course because it is important. You don't know whose life you're touching by the stuff that you're putting out.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“The women in my life really inspire me, inspire these cards, inspire these messages where they're uplifting and powerful and sometimes smart asses.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“Every single card has a story behind it.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
“I love to hear where everyone's inspired and how it relays them into not just the products, but also the choices we make in our business of how we do business and how we conduct ourselves as business owners. ” - Katie Hunt
“For me, success is reaching that one person that needs to know that they are enough, reaching the little girl that gets the birthday card that looks like her. Reaching the grandma that finds the right card because her grandchild is mixed.” - Jean Marie Sanchez
I was born in Spring Valley NY, and currently live in Hamden CT with my two boys and husband. I have a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from The City College of New York in NYC and over 20 years’ experience in the design and construction field. During my career in architecture, I have written poetry and created artwork in wide variety of painting media including watercolor, acrylic, and pencils. I am an artist and most recently have paired my artwork with my poetry to create delightful and inspirational greeting cards. My designs bring forth a sense of empowerment and good juju.
Website: http://www.littlefeetsopus.com | Instagram: @littlefeetsopus
Facebook: @Little-Feets-Opus-153008271531822

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct