192 | Attracting a diverse audience with visual branding with Dana Kaye, Bouquet Stock Photo
Hey friends! If you’ve used stock photography, you may have noticed how difficult it can be to find diverse imagery. Enter Dana Kaye of Bouquet Stock Photo.
Visual branding can be a huge factor in who we attract to our business. So how can we use visual branding to be more inclusive?
In this episode, Dana and I dig into the importance of visual branding and why creating meaningful connections with our customers is such an important piece of doing business. She also shares her definition of what makes a value based business.
We all want to see ourselves in the products and services we shop for. This is such an important conversation and there are so many actionable take-aways in this episode!
What led Dana to start her stock photo company
Why diverse imagery is so important
The definitions of a value based business
Meaningful connections and why they are so powerful
How serving others is a form of networking
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“We all want to see ourselves in products and services.” - Dana Kaye
“By creating websites, marketing, and visual branding that shows the people that you want to reach, that's going to signal to those people that “‘we are here for you’”.” - Dana Kaye
“If a product maker is looking to attract a wider and more diverse audience, they need to show all the different people who use their products. Showing all the different ages and sizes and colors and types of people that use your product is going to create a more inclusive platform that says that all are welcome here.” - Dana Kaye
“It’s not just the imagery, but the testimonials you share, even how things are written, and the verbiage used.” - Katie Hunt
“There's a difference between having a company, mission, vision, and values, because as your business grows, that's something you need to reflect on and say, is this still in alignment with what we do?” - Katie Hunt
“I do believe that every company should have some set of values because that's what serves as your compass.” - Dana Kaye
“I believe that rather than focusing on getting all the followers, all the email subscribers, all the business cards in your virtual Rolodex, it's way more important to create a handful of really meaningful relationships because they're more rewarding.” - Dana Kaye
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Dana Kaye is a life-long entrepreneur who believes in the power of storytelling and authentic personal branding. In 2009, she founded Kaye Publicity, Inc., a boutique PR company specializing in publishing and entertainment. Known for her innovative ideas and knowledge of current trends, she coaches her clients on how to identify and establish their unique personal brands. In 2016, Dana launched Murder and Mayhem in Chicago, a one-day conference dedicated to crime fiction, with mystery author Lori Rader-Day. In 2020, she co-founded Bouquet Stock Photography, a curated library of diverse and inclusive stock photos, with Felton Kizer. She is also the author of two books - Your Book, Your Brand: The Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your Book and Boosting Your Sales and The Personal Brand Workbook - and serves on the advisory board of Propel PR.
Website: BouquetStockPhotography.com | Instagram: @danakaye23
Instagram: @bouquetstockphoto

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct