197 | 4 Virtual Roles to Hire in your E-Commerce Business with Katie Hunt
Hey friends! I recently sat down and had a conversation with Micala Quinn on her show, the Live Free Podcast to have a conversation about how virtual support professionals could support e-commerce and product based businesses.
I wanted to bring a piece of that conversion to my podcast. In this episode, I am exploring the 4 areas of your business where virtual, freelance support could make a positive impact for you.
If you’ve been wondering how you can get some remote, flexible, rockstar team members to support you while you grow your business then tune in!
4 areas in your business that would benefit from help
Hiring help dependent on your business model and needs
A mistake I’ve seen from business owners when hiring for a virtual role
Share These Quotables on Pinterest
“The frequency in which you need someone is going to depend on your business model.” - Katie Hunt
“Get crystal clear on what you need help with. And this may be one person that starts with limited hours and rises up as they gain more experience in your business.” - Katie Hunt
“It is possible I share this because it is possible to find people for only a few hours a week or a few hours a month, if that is what you need.” - Katie Hunt
“Get super clear on what type of help you need in your business before you hire anyone.” - Katie Hunt
“Set clear expectations, objectives and outcomes so that your new team member knows what they're working toward.” -Katie Hunt
Live Free Podcast
3 Simple Steps for Deciding What to Delegate
Proof to Product LABS

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct