235 | How can I get more support from Proof to Product with Katie Hunt
At Proof to Product, we’re committed to helping product based businesses succeed! We’ve created two programs that can help you strengthen your business foundations or scale with wholesale. In today’s episode, I’m breaking down the difference between Paper Camp and Labs, which program is right for you, and how you can get started!
If you’ve been considering investing in your business this year, make sure you listen in to get the scoop on these two programs, plus add yourself to the waitlist to join when we open for enrollment!
Paper Camp
We first introduced Paper Camp by Proof to Product back in 2011, and although the core content has remained the same, it’s gone through many iterations and styles of how we delivered it. Today, Paper Camp is a four week intensive coaching program. In this program, you’ll focus on doing some of the work on your own, join in on weekly coaching calls, and gain access to community support from your peers.
Four Week Intensive Program
In Paper Camp, we provide you with the tools and resources to start and scale your wholesale business! The four week intensive program is broken into a four part framework where we focus on product, sales tools, marketing systems, and trade shows. Each week builds upon what you focused on the previous week.
Week 1 - You’ll kick off in week one by determining if your product line is ready for wholesale. Do you have great profit margins? Are you meeting industry standards? Are you offering frequent product releases? How is your manufacturing process? Overall, our goal is to make sure you’re ready and priced for profit.
Week 2 - During week two, we’ll focus on your sales strategy, tools, and team! A few things to consider include a product catalog, your wholesale terms and conditions, your sales channels, and if sales reps are right for you. During this week, I also offer video catalog audits, which are a program favorite. By the end of this week, we’ll ensure that you have the right tools in place so that you can confidently reach out to store and pitch wholesale.
Week 3 - When we hit week three, we focus on wholesale marketing and help you determine what stores are right for your product, who you should reach out to, and we’ll even guide you on pitching. This includes sample pitch letters and templates for sales follow ups to encourage customers to reorder.
Week 4 - Your final week in Paper Camp will focus on trade shows and whether or not they’re a good fit for your business. We’ll take a look at your budget, associated costs, and which shows you should consider. Plus, you’ll learn how to ask for the space you want and create a budget to design your booth space.
Who is Paper Camp for?
Paper Camp is the perfect program for those who already have a product line, but are interested in pursuing wholesale opportunities for their products. This program walks you through how to get started the right way with wholesale! We also have members in Paper Camp who are already selling wholesale, but want to create better systems in their wholesale process or have an interest in learning more about trade shows. The common thread with our members is that they’re interested in simplifying their business, systematizing wholesale, and growing their wholesale revenue,
Paper Camp is the most comprehensive wholesale program out there and opens for enrollment two times per year. If you’re ready to dive into wholesale, make sure you’re on the waitlist for Paper Camp!
Proof to Product LABS
If you’re a creator looking for robust support for your product based business, LABS is the program for you. With a focus on foundational building in your business, you’ll find support in patching the holes in your systems to build success in every aspect of your business,
12 Month Group Coaching Program
LABS is a twelve month group coaching program broken into quarters. Every quarter, we focus on a foundational building block for your business. This includes marketing systems, sales strategy, money and revenue streams, hiring a team, leadership, and mindset work. The reason we break the twelve months into quarters is to focus on one building block with the focus of deep diving into the education and training in month one, implementing what we learned in month two, and gathering feedback on your updates in month three. The idea is to work on one thing at a time so you don’t lose focus by trying to do too many things at once.
Additionally, every month we host 3-4 community events, including coaching calls, power hour sessions, coffee chats, and peer mastermind breakout rooms. These allow you to connect with others, build relationships, and focus on your work. Additionally, you’ll get access to our archive of our past trainings!
Who is Labs for?
If you’re a product based business owners that wants to strengthen the foundations of your business, LABS is the program for you! Whether you’re brand new or you’ve been in the game for a while, we offer a track for each that is catered to your needs in business. LABS fills in the holes and cracks in your business and opens quarterly for enrollment. If you’re ready to enroll in Labs, make sure you’re on the waitlist!
Important Sections in Today’s Episode:
Paper Camp (1:23)
Paper Camp - Week 1 (2:34)
Paper Camp - Week 2 (3:21)
Paper Camp - Week 3 (4:17)
Paper Camp - Week 4 (4:50)
LABS (8:37)
Which is right for me? (14:03)
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Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct