165 | Gaining Focus and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs with Jessica Eley
Hey friends! Does being an entrepreneur ever make you feel overwhelmed? Maybe you’re having tons of business success and checking things off of your to-do list but you still don’t feel satisfied at the end of the day.
I’m a firm believer in creating strategic plans and taking action in business. Sometimes, however, our mindset, boundaries, personal beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves can make executing those plans harder than necessary. In this episode, I was joined by Jessica Eley, a mindset coach that helps high-achieving entrepreneurs get where they want to go (while enjoying the path there).
We explore the practices and strategies you can use to boost your confidence and change your mindset. Jessica shares why it might be success that’s actually holding you back in business and why you must always remind yourself that you have options!
Jessica and I discuss pushing forward, what to do if you’re feeling stretched thin and taking the time to understand what you truly want to be doing.
Who Jessica works with and how she helps them
Her advice for people who are feeling maxed out and stretched thin
How to shift the way you’re thinking into a more positive outlook
Why it’s essential to consider all of your options
Why Jessica believes that success holds people back more than failure
How to push forward into the success you want to build
Why you have to let go of identities that you feel like you have to have
Tools you can use to boost your confidence and mindset
How “or thinking” is slowing you down
What types of programs Jessica offers
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“Let's get you to take more action and let's get you to do the stuff that you say you want to do.” - Jessica Eley
“Get yourself to start doing things from a place of what's good for me first.” - Jessica Eley
“Slow down to speed up.” - Jessica Eley
“Give yourself some grace on what it is you're expecting yourself to be able to do.” - Jessica Eley
“Sometimes it's difficult to navigate when to move forward on something and when to just let it go and give yourself more grace.” - Katie Hunt
“You can handle anything that comes up when you trust your inherent ability to figure it out.” -Jessica Eley
“Sometimes we just need relief.” - Jessica Eley
“Acknowledging that either you are already doing the best thing that you can do or picking the thing that would be better for you.” - Jessica Eley
“I think when we do let go to some extent, it can take on wings of its own in different ways.” - Katie Hunt
Jessica helps high-achieving entrepreneurs get where they want to go while enjoying the trip there. She has helped entrepreneurs earn 4-5x their previous revenue, break through multi-six-figure income plateaus, become confident salespeople, achieve work-life balance, redefine their entire business model to one they actually enjoy, and much more by creating new values and belief systems that line up with her clients’ unique goals and priorities.
Website: jessicaeley.com | Facebook: @iamjesseley | Instagram: @iamjesseley

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct