172 | Faire Summer Market Recap with Katie Hunt
Hey friends! Today I want to chat with you about the recent Faire Summer market and share both insights and concerns after leading hundreds of people through what is likely our first of many online trade shows.
I’m happy to report that our Paper Camp alumni community and LABS members had some strong sales during the show. Some received a handful of orders, while others secured more than 40 orders in a two day span. In addition to the cash influx, I was pleased to hear that many in our community received wholesale orders from new stores they had never worked with and many had reorders from past accounts who were reconnecting.
In this episode I’m walking you through pros and cons of these types of shows, why I’m not a fan of discounting your products to get sales and why you should continue your marketing post-show.
Benefits of the Faire Summer Market
Concerns about the Faire Summer Market
Why I don’t like discounting to get sales
My reasoning behind why you shouldn’t be overly reliant on a single tool for your business.
Why you should continue your marketing efforts beyond any specific show
The non-financial benefits of doing a show
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“It created a forced deadline for people to get new releases done.” - Katie Hunt
“It enabled brands to stretch themselves and try new marketing tactics.” - Katie Hunt
“I'm not a fan of discounting to get sales.” - Katie Hunt
“If you're constantly offering discounts to customers you are training them to only buy from you when you have a discount available.” - Katie Hunt
“I feel like steep, regular discounts will cheapen the products we're all creating and skew customer perceptions.” - Katie Hunt
“It is always better to use systems and platforms that we have control over.” - Katie Hunt
“You don’t need a market as an excuse to contact your customers.” - Katie Hunt
“The more we remind people that we’re open, we’re shipping orders and we have some new stuff to share — the more orders we’ll see coming through the door.” - Katie Hunt

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct