361 | Creating Products That People Actually Want to Buy with Biff Ulm, Nice Enough Stickers
I love staying connected to our community while they're out exhibiting or attending trade shows throughout the year. One update that caught my eye this summer was from Biff Ulm of Nice Enough Stickers about his experience at the Las Vegas gift show. Now Biff is no stranger to the podcast. He's been sharing tips about leveraging point-of-sale systems back on episode 146, and we did a COVID check-in with him during episode 177 where he shared how things were going for his brick-and-mortar shop at the time.
Biff and I had a lot to catch up on in this episode, but one thing that stood out was that his observations at the Las Vegas gift show were about product development strategy. He has much to say about it, and I'm excited for you to listen in.
For background, Biff’s stickers are now in over 3000 stores with 8,000 locations, so he knows a thing or two about creating products that people want to buy. Biff also owns a wildly successful retail shop, which provides him with a unique viewpoint as both a wholesale buyer and seller.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of patience, iteration, and customer feedback in developing successful products. We also discuss how to leverage data and understand buying behaviors.
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Founder of Nice Enough Stickers, Biff Ulm, has always known art can help individuals become their most beautiful, unfiltered, kick-ass selves. And we don’t just mean Art with a capital A. Biff was raised without expectations of what success should or shouldn’t look like — his parents really meant it when they said his best was good enough.
So when his big Dream (with a capital D) manifested in the form of stickers, Biff thought, “Heck yeah. Stickers!” He started Nice Enough in 2016 with the goal of helping others go all out with whatever floats their boat — No apologies. No hesitation. No rules.
WEBSITE: https://www.niceenough.com | INSTAGRAM: @nice.enough.stickers | FACEBOOK: @Nice.Enough.Stickers

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct