339 | Updates on Independent Contractor Guidelines with Kira La Forgia, Paradigm Consulting
If you work with independent contractors in your business, you will want to listen closely to this podcast episode. In March 2024, the US Department of Labor issued new stricter guidelines regarding independent contractor workers.
Today's guest is HR consultant and expert, Kira La Forgia of Paradigm Consulting. She is breaking it all down for us so we avoid penalties and audits.
We talk about new changes, how they affect you, and how to protect yourself if you currently have team members who may be misclassified.
You may remember Kira from episode 238 where we talked about how to build your dream team. If you do not yet have a support team in your business, I would start with that episode and then come back and listen to this one next.
Kira has a Future-Proof Your Team workshop that you can get $50 off of if you sign up via our link.
Today’s episode is brought to you by our Deciding What to Delegate free workshop. As busy entrepreneurs, one of our biggest challenges is knowing where to dedicate our time and energy. We’re usually so busy doing the work in our business that we have a tough time identifying what we can hand off to someone else. This on-demand free workshop will provide you with 3 simple steps so that you can identify what projects to outsource so that you can stop being the bottleneck in your business.
With a decade of experience in People Operations in the corporate world, Kira La Forgia is no stranger to the sensitive issues involved in the human side of running a business. There’s a lot to learn from hiring, onboarding, training, and managing the performance of over 500 employees for a multimillion-dollar business. The good news is, Kira learned it all so you don’t have to.
Kira founded Paradigm to bridge the gap between corporate HR policies and the modern needs of entrepreneurs. Because Google might have almost all the answers, but it doesn’t have what your unique business needs.
WEBSITE: http://the-paradigm.com | INSTAGRAM: @theparadigmm | FACEBOOK: @theparadigmm | TWITTER: @theparadigmmm | LINKEDIN @kiralaforgia

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct