002 | Working with sales reps with Sam Kramer, Near Modern Disaster

Sam Kramer, Near Modern Disaster

Sam Kramer, the head boss lady at Near Modern Disaster got her start in business in 2009 and amped things up in 2014 when she began selling wholesale, did her first trade show and she expanded her product line into greeting cards, mugs, notepads and enamel pens.

On today’s episode, Sam talks about her process for developing new products, the importance of releasing new products regularly and how working with sales reps has helped her scale her business. Sam attended Proof to Product’s Paper Camp in 2013 prior to launching her wholesale program.


  • Near Modern Disaster’s story

  • Treating your business like a business

  • Realizing help was out there. She didn’t have to grow this business alone

  • Inspiration, design process & product development

  • Expanding into new product categories

  • Working with sales reps & building a partnership

  • Getting on a regular release schedule

  • Moving her business to a different state & how she prepped

  • Near Modern Disaster in Buzzfeed

  • What’s next for Near Modern Disaster

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“I realized there were resources to help me. I didn’t have to try and create this business by myself without help.”– Sam Kramer

On product development: “you need to look at the numbers and make sure the margins are here.” -Katie Hunt

“I’ve been scared to hire because that requires trusting others and delegating”– Sam Kramer

“You need to have your house in order before you start reaching out to reps.”– Katie Hunt

“You need to keep things fresh for the buyers”– Sam Kramer


Website: www.moderndisaster.com | Facebook: @moderndisaster | Instagram: @moderndisaster | Twitter: @moderndisaster

Connect with Katie Hunt

Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.

Website: prooftoproduct.com  |   Instagram: @prooftoproduct

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