156 | Successful Hiring Strategies with Natalie Gingrich, The Ops Authority

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Hey friends! Are you ready to get back time in your business to work on the projects and tasks that you really love? The ones that will help you to move the needle further toward your goal? 

If you’ve been busy doing all of the things then you might be wondering if now is the right time to hire in your business. That’s why I brought on Natalie Gingrich from The Ops Authority. Natalie has been in operations for two decades and now she helps online business owners with support and strategy for the operational side of their business.

We get into everything you could possibly want to know about the best hiring practices. She shares how you’ll know when is the right time to hire and how you can get crystal clear on the job you’re looking to hire for. Natalie explains why this is critical and how an application is a key component in finding the right team member for the role.

She and I discuss how to measure the value that team members are adding to your business. She also discusses why you’ll want to invest a good amount of time in hiring to avoid mishaps like turnover or unrealistic expectations on either side of the hiring process. 

This episode is packed with so much hiring wisdom so grab a notebook, listen closely and be sure to download Natalie’s free hiring guide for the next time you’re looking to outsource in your business.


  • How Natalie knew she was ready to hire her first team member within her business

  • Pain points and indicators to be on the lookout for when deciding if it's time to hire

  • What you should think about when deciding what to DIY and what to outsource

  • How to get crystal clear on what the needs are in your business

  • Why you need to create a true job description to reduce turnover

  • How to find the right people for the job

  • Her advice on choosing the right candidate at the right price for the job

  • How to measure your return on investment using key results areas

  • Natalie’s thoughts on trial periods and onboarding processes

  • How you can use the Hiring Plan for your next hire

  • Her plans for launching an association and what’s coming next in her business


Hiring Plan
The Ops Authority Podcast

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“I was just working too much, taking myself away from the things that really mattered.” - Natalie Gingrich

“The reason I'm so passionate about it is anytime you're hiring, you are taking away from the profits that your family, in my case, my family would be getting.” - Natalie Gingrich

“The desperation or like last minute, ‘help me,’ that's not going to breed good decision making and good hiring practices. ” - Katie Hunt

“Once I started delegating certain aspects of my business, I could not stop.” - Katie Hunt

“Getting crystal clear on what your needs are before you start hiring is critical.”  - Katie Hunt

“That job description sets the expectations.” - Katie Hunt

“Ain't nobody got a resume today. Okay? We are living in a digital age. Resumes are not the way that you're actually going to validate what and who they are.” - Natalie Gingrich

“I love the idea of having them be the person who brings in their expertise.” - Natalie Gingrich

“I'm a firm believer in hiring people that are smarter than me in a lot of areas.” - Katie Hunt

“If you're doing this too quickly, you're going to end up with turnover.” - Natalie Gingrich


Natalie Gingrich is the founder and host of The Ops Authority. She has been in operations for two decades – either in healthcare, corporate America or as an entrepreneur. Her goal is to bridge the gap and overwhelm when it comes to processes and systems, growing a team, and setting up solid business foundations. She has created a Director of Operations certification for operations and administrative experts and been certifying and mentoring those in the industry since 2018.


Website: theopsauthority.com | Facebook: @theopsauthority | Instagram: @theopsauthority
LinkedIn: @natalie-gingrich

Connect with Katie Hunt

Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.

Website: prooftoproduct.com  |   Instagram: @prooftoproduct

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