220 | Navigating Supply Chain Issues, Shipping Delays and Labor Shortages with Katie Hunt
The upcoming holiday sale season is upon us and in the current state of the world we are seeing tons of supply chain issues, shipping delays and labor shortages that are causing massive problems for small businesses, particularly those of us that sell physical products.
There has been a shortage of paper, hard goods, glassware, cardboard and wood products for several months now… and this is just a few of the areas facing supply issues.
There are also huge delays with import and export shipments from overseas as well as domestic delays with smaller shipping suppliers.
Our economy is also facing labor shortages which has a trickle-down effect.
For example, paper mills don’t have enough people to work, which means their production has slowed down, which means there is less paper available in the market, which means that printers are raising prices and have less options when it comes to our product packaging or salable products.
While we have no control over the overarching supply chain issues, shipping delays and labor shortage, there are steps that we can take NOW to minimize disruptions to your business and ensure that you’re ready for the Q4 holiday sales season.
“You can not over-communicate your shipping deadlines.”
Recognize and acknowledge that we can only control what we can control.
We don’t control the flow of materials, decisions other businesses are making or availability of product. So, we have to work within the constraints of some of this and get creative.
Order extra inventory now to have on hand.
If you have the cash flow and ability to order more of your best-selling products to have on hand for Q4, I would encourage you to do so. If you don’t have the cash flow, that’s ok. But, recognize that you may sell out of things and it may be difficult to replenish your inventory quickly.
Plan ahead for your January releases.
Many of you sell wholesale and that’s your next big release. If you have the cash flow, I would recommend you run those products ASAP. I would rather you have that inventory in stock, ready to ship, waiting on your launch rather than experiencing any sort of manufacturing or shipping delays that would throw off your release schedule.
Set your holiday Direct to Consumer shipping deadlines early and clearly communicate with your customer about those deadlines.
You can not over-communicate your shipping deadlines. Add it to your website header, include it in your check-out process, share on social media repeatedly, put it in your social media bio, put the details in your email footer and in any and all email newsletters that go out.
In addition to sharing your shipping deadlines with customers. Also, use your communication as an opportunity to educate them about domestic and international shipping delays. Encourage them to order early. And, remind them as often as you can that once the shipment leaves our studio — you have no control over how fast it arrives. We want to set and reaffirm expectations about these shipping delays and holiday deadlines as often as we can and in as many places we can within our marketing.
“You are human and you’re doing your best. Much of what is happening is out of your control.”
Remember that you are human and you’re doing your best.
As I said earlier, much of what is happening is out of your control. But, you’re doing your best to provide a great product and excellent shopping experience for your customers. Keep doing your best and remember how much people appreciate you and your products.
I have a free class called Deciding What to Delegate in 3 Simple Steps. I know many of you are searching for help within your business and this free class will help you identify what to outsource so that you stop being a bottleneck in your business. Head to prooftoproduct.com/delegate to enroll.
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Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct