194 | Hiring Soon? Do this first with Katie Hunt
I see how hard you have been working, but you are not alone! Today’s episode is all about how to prepare for hiring help for your business.
In this episode, I talk about some of the strategies that I use in my own business before bringing on new team members. As you explore the idea of bringing on help later this year, this quarter or even this month you’ll want to make sure you are hiring right.
Whether you are hiring your first team member or your tenth, whether you’re planning to hire employees or contractors — today’s episode includes pre-work — so things you’re going to do before you even advertise the job you’re hiring for.
Flag it, come back to it, take notes and be sure to use the four T’s framework to guide you along the way.
Different forms that help comes in
Pre-work you need to be doing before hiring
The four T’s framework from Adrienne Dorison & Mike Michalowicz of Run Like Clockwork
Next steps after using the four T’s framework
Share These Quotables on Pinterest
“You're looking to outsource things that you don't necessarily need or want to have your hands on.” - Katie Hunt
“Our days as entrepreneurs are so varied, looking at a full snapshot of a week of your time will give you a better sense of where you can allocate the four T’s.” - Katie Hunt
“As you start to go through the four T's, you will start to see some trends pop up and it will make it easier for you to identify your priorities in the business and the position or positions that you want to hire for.” -Katie Hunt
Run Like Clockwork Book
Run Like Clockwork Accelerator Course
Run Like Clockwork Delegate Bootcamp

Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct