How the Proof to Product Mastermind Kept Me Focused, Boosted my Confidence and Increased my Revenue
My goal when joining the Proof to Product Mastermind was to build the wholesale arm of my stationery business. Two months in, the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the United States, forcing many small businesses to close their doors and the economy to take a worrisome dip. I needed to redirect my immediate focus. Had I not been a part of the Mastermind group, I know my confidence and my ability to react with clarity would have suffered. Yet instead of floundering, I was inspired by our coach, Katie’s ideas for actionable steps, and her wise advice to do what felt right for my business, once I felt ready. Katie’s reassurance, plus the ability to speak openly with our group, helped prevent me from spiraling in a time of high stress and uncertainty. It allowed me to sit with our current circumstances and take everything in, then move forward.
The biggest help for me was to embrace connection, reach out for support, and offer it back in return. All while giving myself some time and grace. The Mastermind group gave me the perfect outlet to do so, and then to take the same approach within my business. With some confidence from Katie and the group, I reached out to my wholesale stockists to check-in. My intent was not to ask for a sale but to be my normal, caring self. These seemingly small steps felt wonderful and helped strengthen my relationships with these store owners—one of the biggest reasons why I enjoy selling wholesale. I then had to make a decision to turn my main focus toward the retail side of my business where I felt I could take more action.
During my enrollment in Proof to Product Mastermind, my retail orders increased by 225%. I don’t believe I would have seen as big of an uptick if I hadn’t been as proactive, which I largely credit to being in the Mastermind. It was here that our group discussions kept me on track and offered guidance as I made the shifts I needed. Katie suggested the great idea of writing and direct mailing cards for my buyers, which also meant fewer hands on the cards. I decided to take it a step further and hand-letter envelopes, and found this to be a fun form of therapy for myself too! Each new order allowed that extra bit of joy and connection I was hoping to foster.
Katie helped me keep the bigger picture in mind throughout my Mastermind experience, and not just during the Coronavirus pandemic. She worked with me to get clear on the value and importance of my current revenue streams by helping me rate them based on heart, money, time, and impact. Then we mapped out new revenue streams I’d like to pursue in the future and even dived into my numbers to see where I could lean into current momentum. This exercise immediately aligned my actions towards my goals and gave me so much reassurance moving forward. Even though I shifted my lead focus temporarily away from wholesale, the above work confirmed that it was still an important, long-term goal of mine and one that I will be working towards with the help of my coach and mentors.
I’ve learned so much from the Proof to Product Mastermind, but a recurring theme for me here has been gaining confidence in my business. I’m the type of person who stays quiet and thinks about things for a while before I speak. I often feel more comfortable writing an email or text rather than vocally expressing my ideas, especially in a group discussion. In addition to all the instances I’ve listed above that have propelled me forward, our Mastermind video calls have helped me practice talking about my business aloud…in front of actual people. This may not sound like much to some, but it’s always been difficult and a big deal for me. Perhaps it’s just that old self-doubt sabotaging my thought process whenever I want to speak up. (I know I’m not the only one!) The Mastermind group has led me to quiet some of that doubt, and awaken more strength in my own voice. I’ve been able to build confidence and comfort speaking and I know this will prove invaluable with prospective customers and collaboration in the future, not to mention in my personal life.
The Proof to Product Mastermind is a 6-month program. As I closed the end of my first session, I made a pros and cons list to help decide whether I would continue into the next half of the year. My only “con” was my own personal monetary concerns on whether I could “spend the money”. I couldn’t think of a single other reason why I might not continue. As I wrote out the pro list, my one con became overwhelmed. Ultimately I realized that being part of this Mastermind group is an investment in my business and myself and that it also has great potential to positively benefit my family. I want to share this list with you too, in case it’s helpful to anyone trying to make the same decision about applying for Mastermind:
A team of peers to lean on and offer support in return
Accountability / keeping me on track
Guidance towards more strategic ideas
Being more intentional in my business
One-on-one personalized advice from Katie (I’ve yet to find a question she can’t help with!)
Learning from those who have been here before = immeasurable
Authentic, trustworthy conversations and resources
Preparing me for potential future trade shows
Business AND personal growth
An investment in my business and myself, even if I’m not quite there yet.
This last bullet point was the one that I had to let sink in. My wholesale business is still in its beginning stages as I write this, and in the past, I’ve doubted my ability to build the goals and revenue I want to achieve. This is where, as mentioned before, Katie really stepped in to help me squash my fears and realize that more is possible by talking through my numbers, my pain points, and strategies to push myself. None of us can see the future, but we can work really hard and smart to try as best we can to make our vision our reality. Having an intimate group of peers and an accessible coach in our corner who gets where we’re coming from and can offer up support, wisdom, and guidance is a priceless asset to have on our individual journeys.
To learn more about the Proof to Product mastermind, please click here.
Jessica Baskin, Joylark Studio
Jessica Baskin is an artist and mama bear, specializing in graphic design, illustration, and hand lettering. She’s the founder of the stationery brand, Joylark Studio, where she creates to foster joy and connection.
You can find Jessica here:
INSTAGRAM: @joylarkstudio
Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: | Instagram: @prooftoproduct