We will email you when the results are ready!

Please share the survey with any other product brands that you know! Our goal is to get 1000 responses from a variety of brands selling a wide range of physical products and we’d appreciate your help spreading the word.

Here’s the survey link to share:

While you wait for the survey results, keep an eye on your inbox as we’ll send you podcasts and other resources to help you grow your product brand. We’ve included some of our most popular resources below, too!

Thanks again!

Free Audio Series: Is Wholesale Right For You?

This FREE 12-part audio series will help you decide whether wholesale is a good next step for your business. The best part… each episode is only a few minutes long and you can binge it in less than an hour! Concise & action focused.

After listening to the Is Wholesale Right for You audio series, two things will be true.

  1. You’ll know whether you want to pursue wholesale for your product business

  2. You’ll have the confidence and action steps to get started with wholesale

Ready to jump in? Sign up now & get instant access to all 12 episodes.

I want this private podcast to fuel you into immediate action. So, once you sign up, the trainings will only be available for 10 days. Don’t wait, get started now!


Interview Series: Unlock Wholesale Buyer Insights

Every wholesale buyer is different! Their individual preferences vary on everything including how they buy, when they buy, frequency & size of orders, communication styles and follow-up preferences.

This ON-DEMAND INTERVIEW SERIES will give you a competitive advantage by providing you with an exclusive window into what buyers want and need from you as a wholesale seller.

You’ll hear from multiple shop owners about their buying & communication preferences so that you can put your best foot forward when you reach out.

meet Katie Hunt

Hi friend, I’m Katie!

I’m the founder of Proof to Product, a top 1% rated podcast host and business strategist for product based business owners.

Since 2011, we’ve helped tens of thousands of brands get their products on the shelves of retail stores big & small. Our alumni’s products are sold in Target, Nordstroms, Container Store, Starbucks as well as independent boutiques located around the world.

With my guidance, our Proof to Product clients have…

» Surpassed $2M in annual revenue
» Fulfilled a single PO for Barnes & Noble to the tune of $160k
» Increased wholesale revenue by 149% in one year
» 10x wholesale revenue in a single month
» Hit yearly sales goals in October & took a whole month OFF!

One of my superpowers is my ability to optimize any business system, process or workflow without overcomplicating things.

I value simplicity in business and have a knack for breaking down complicated strategies into simple steps so that you have stronger sales, higher profit & more support.

I bring strong results, personal experience, advanced education and a love of learning into my programs. I earned a dual MBA in marketing & finance from Loyola Marymount University and she has over 24 years experience teaching business development and marketing strategies.

My strengths lie in connecting people and bringing ideas to life – brainstorming, making a plan and executing.

Connect with me here at or @prooftoproduct on all social channels.
